The school is planning to admit (Published Admission Number) 30 children into its Reception Class (Year R) in September.

If the school is over-subscribed, the following criteria will be applied in order of priority:

Children in the care of Kent County Council
Current family association
Health and Special Access reasons which can be best met at Shepherdswell
Nearness of children’s homes and ease of access to schools

Our admissions policy, in line with statutory requirements, is to admit all children who will be five during the academic year 1 September to 31 August, into school on a full-time basis in September.  The older half of the intake will come into school week commencing 2nd September for a week of mornings (9.00am – 1.15pm).  After this they will be offered full time.  The younger half of the intake will come into school week commencing 2nd September for afternoons (1:30pm-3:15pm). Week commencing 9th September this group will come in the morning (9:00am-1:15pm). Week commencing 16th September this group will be offered full time.  However, if any parents wish their children to have a slower induction into school we will be happy for this to happen.  We aim to provide maximum flexibility so we can fully meet the needs of individual children and families.

During Term 5 (April/May) before admission, you will be invited to a meeting with the Headteacher and Reception teacher to make arrangements for Pre-school and home visits.  We have very good links with the local playgroup and we find the children settle into school very quickly.

Enhanced admission procedure for children with a statement or high level of special needs will be followed when we have prior knowledge of the child’s needs.  Parents will be invited to a meeting with the Headteacher, Learning Support Leader and any other appropriate agencies.  We will discuss the special needs of the child, how these have been met during pre-school and how we can continue support in school.

Details on how to apply for a place can be found on the KCC website.

In-year admissions for all year groups are dealt with directly by the school in accordance with our admissions criteria (see above). Any parent wishing to apply for a place should now contact the school office for further details.

Additional information may be found on the KCC website.