Shepherdswell C of E Primary School

Our vision ‘Fulfilling our God-given potential’ is central to the provision we provide in school for all pupils.  We provide a challenging, caring and inclusive learning environment   in which every child regardless of background or ability may fulfil their potential and grow in self-confidence whilst developing respect for the people and environment around them.

Pupil Premium Funding

Pupil premium funding is allocated to the school to help support children who are known to be eligible for Free School Meals (or have been any time during the last 6 years, known as Ever 6) or children who have been looked after for more than 6 months and children of service families.

National Performance data shows that disadvantaged children are half as likely to achieve five A*to C GCSEs including English and Maths as their peers.  The school aims to use the pupil premium money to support pupils in order that they make progress equal to that of other children.

We aim to provide teaching and learning opportunities in school that meet the needs of all pupils however through our funding we aim to close that the gap in achievement for this group of pupils through accelerated progress.

Pupil Premium Plan 2022/2023