School Sport Premium Funding 

Shepherdswell CE Primary School strongly believes that Physical Education has a fundamental role to play in the development of the whole child. We recognise that increased physical activity can contribute to higher academic performance and increased concentration. It provides the foundations for a healthy lifestyle, promotes self-esteem, fosters good behaviour and allows children to develop their understanding of cooperation, fairness and respect for others through active participation. With the help of the school sport funding we aim to create a culture that encourages lifelong participation in healthy, active lifestyles.

Where a child develops a particular talent or potential we will ensure they have every opportunity to benefit from higher level teaching and coaching in order to develop their skills and confidence.

Having reviewed current provision and staff skills and with reference to the OFSTED guidelines the school has allocated the Sports Premium Grant as follows.

Over the course of the year we aim to provide our pupils with high quality provision in a range of sports that could include Football, Gymnastics, Dance, Hockey, Outdoor Education, Cricket and Tennis. The coaches will work alongside staff to provide professional development in order to ensure sustainability.

We will hold intra school competitions and interschool competitions among our collaboration of schools. This will allow all pupils to participate.

Funding will also be used to increase the opportunities for outdoor education.

As with all aspects of our work, this plan will be delivered in accordance with our Safeguarding Policy and this is particularly important as the PE and Sports plan involves wide levels of engagement with adults and organisations outside the school.

2022/2023 Plan

Primary PE and Sports Premium Strategy 2022/2023

2021/2022 Plan

Primary PE and Sports Premium Startegy 2021/2022

2019/2020 please click the link below

Primary PE and Sports Premium Strategy 2019-2020

School Sport Premium Plan 2018/19 – Grant   17080

Key achievements to date: Areas for further improvement and baseline evidence of need:

·         In the academic year 2017-2018 the school competed in 7 more sporting competitions (including 4 School Games competitions) against other schools than in previous years.

·         Competed in the Premier League football competition, reaching the National Finals in Leicester. This raised the profile of sport within the school.

·         Over the past few years we have introduced a number of new sports to the children: American football, archery, street dance, cheerleading, lacrosse and handball. As a result we have seen an increase in the number of children wanting to attend sports clubs after school.

·         Through the provision of extra swimming lessons last year for a group of targeted year 6 non swimmers all but one of them met the National Curriculum requirements

·         Lunchtime organised sports daily with at least 50% of Y3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils participating.

·         Wake up and Shake up two mornings a week attended by 30 children on a regular basis.

·         To continue to increase participation in sports competitions against other schools, including opportunities for KS1 children to compete.

·         Provide staff with quality professional development outside of observing qualified coaches.

·         Run a lunchtime club to involve the least active children in the school.

·         Partner with Eythorne & Elvington to increase opportunities for their children to participate in good quality after school clubs.

·         To embed physical activity into the school day – consider a daily sporting challenge.

Academic Year: 2018/19 Total fund allocated: £17080 Date Updated: 13/09/18  
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that primary school children undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: Actions to achieve: Funding allocated: Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

To run organised lunchtime activities each day, to give children quality physical activity

To run a lunchtime club for the least active children in the school, to encourage the children to be active.

To introduce a sporting challenge weekly to get all children undertaking in an additional 10 minutes of activity each day.

To extend the opportunites for Wake up and Shake up from 2 days to 5 days to give more opportunities for children to undertake physical activity.

HoS to run an acitiviy for Y3/4 12:40-13:00 and for Y5/6 13:00-13:20

Sports coach to run sporting activities that they may not have opportunities to try that often. Term 1 archery.

To identify the sporting challenge

Purchase more dance music.





The active play sessions are very well attended with at least 50% of pupils from both year groups taking part on a regular basis.

Activities are well attended.

Children have experienced a broader range of sports and through attendance shows that they are being more active.

The attendance of Wake Up and Shake Up has improved to around 30 regular children.

Wider Impact as a result of the above

·         More children are attending after school sports clubs

·         Concentration in lessons after lunch improving

·         Excellent SATS results

Upskill a TA to be able to lead active play, so if HoS is unavailable it can still run.

Any successful clubs to be noted and required equipment to be purchased.

Need to look at the timetabling of the school day.

Year 6 children will lead, then in term 6 year 5 children will be trained to take over at the beginning of the next academic year.

Key indicator 2: The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement

Percentage of total allocation:
School focus with clarity on intended impact on pupils: Actions to achieve: Funding allocated: Evidence and impact: Sustainability and suggested next steps:

Celebration assembly every other week to ensure the whole school is aware of the importance of PE and Sport and to encourage all pupils to aspire to being involved in the assemblies.

A display board in the hall to celebrate sporting achievements, raising the profile of sport amongst all of the school stakeholders

Achievements celebrated in assembly

Purchase a sports trophy

Children have opportunities during Talent time to showcase their sporting talents.

Encourage children to share sporting  achievements outside of school experiences


Hidden talent unveiled at talent time and has inspired other children to take up that sport. E.g. gymnastics.

Notice boards and website display achievements.

Wider impact  as a result of the above

·         Children’s self-esteem improved and has transferred across into other areas of the curriculum.

·         More children attending outside sports clubs.

Even if the sports funded stops, then this will continue to take place.
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport Percentage of total allocation:

School focus with clarity on intended

impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:



Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested

next steps:

Provide staff with quality professional development outside of observing qualified coaches. This will build on the teachers’ confidence, knowledge and skills to develop the way they teach PE. This will lead to improving the progress and achievement of the pupils.

Employ a sports coach to deliver quality PE lessons, in doing so upskilling staff at the same time.

Arrange twilight sessions to focus on developing teacher’s skill sets on delivering quality PE lessons.



Increased confidence and better subject leadership skills enabling the subject leader to lead professional learning for all staff.

Subject leader more confident when undertaking lesson observations/team teaching – able to provide effective feedback and lead discussions.

Children are enjoying the PE lessons and they are showing greater progress and achievement.

Wider impact as a result of the above

·         Children are inspired to want to do more physical activity

·         Children have a desire to improve and progress in PE lessons.

Training will lead to sustainability as all staff will be supported to feel confident to deliver PE and Sport both within and outside the curriculum.
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils Percentage of total allocation:

School focus with clarity on intended

impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:



Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested

next steps:

Continue to offer a wider range of activities both within and outside the curriculum in order to get more pupils involved. – Focus particularly on those pupils who do not take up additional PE and Sport opportunities.

Arrange a pupil survey to ascertain what pupils would like.

Involve external coaches to work with staff in clubs.

£1000 More and more children are attending school sports clubs, with boys and girls being equal in numbers.  More staff will be able to take on extra-curricular sports clubs, due to the confidence they would have gained.

Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport

Percentage of total allocation:

School focus with clarity on intended

impact on pupils:

Actions to achieve:



Evidence and impact:

Sustainability and suggested

next steps:

To continue to increase participation in sports competitions against other schools, including opportunities for KS1 children to compete. This will engage more children into wanting to be active.

Increase the space in which to participate in physical activity, allowing for broader experiences.

Sign up earlier to Dover School Games events, in order to not miss out. Transport to and from.

Employ a sports coach to be able to take the groups of children to the competitions.

Make safe the Glebe land at the back of the school, to give additional space for sports competitions and for teaching PE



Already we have signed up to 4 more competitions than at the same time the previous year. This will see at least 20 more children given an opportunity to compete.

A similar number of girls are given the same opportunity as boys in competing against other schools.

Girls won the girls’ football league; as a result the girls’ club attendance as grown to double the amount.

Boys’ football team was very successful, again a larger number of boys now attend football practice.

Wider impact as a result of the above

·         Improved standards in invasion games in curriculum time

·         Girls are showing more confidence in PE lessons.

A TA is to shadow the sports coach to enable them to be able to take over leading teams in the future.
Other Indicator identified by school: Additional Swimming Percentage of total allocation:

All remaining non swimmers achieve 25 metres thus meeting the statutory requirements of the national curriculum for PE.

All pupils can perform safe self-rescue over a varied distance so they are confident and safe in water

Book additional pool times in term 5 and 6 £1000

97% of pupils can swim 25 metres at year 6.

97% of pupils can perform safe self-rescue.

The Governors have agreed to ensure that they will ring fence funding to ensure the maximum amount of pupils leave the school being able to swim 25 metres.

Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres – 29/30 children can after extra swimming lessons in year 6

Use a range of strokes effectively – 10/30

Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations – 10/30

School Sport Premium Plan 2017/18 – Grant  £8600 showing impact

Aim Success Criteria



Provide high quality sports provision and staff development

Employ specialist teachers for a range of sports

Teachers increase their knowledge and skills in individual sports in order to deliver in the future.

September 16 & on going


Staff have had the opportunity to learn from a number of different specialist coaches.
Provide an increased range of lunchtime/after school clubs for pupils An increased range of clubs have been accessed by pupils in all year groups over the academic year. September 16 & on-going (cost included in above)

We have had an increase in different types of sports after school clubs, with greater numbers of children attending.

Clubs have included:




Girls’ football

Tag rugby

Quick sticks






Lunchtime sport is led by H of S

Improve resources available in school Resources including suitable kit are available in order that children can develop their skills in a range of sports.



3 Ball walls have been built in the playground.

They have been very popular at playtime and lunchtimes.

They also increase the ability to teach a range of sports.

Professional development for all staff Teachers increase their knowledge and skills in individual sports through working alongside coaches and specific targeted staff development September 16 & on-going

There has been a higher standard of teaching in the class teachers’ PE lessons.

PE leader led staff development training