We have seven classes at Shepherdswell, which enables us to have 1 year group in every class. Each class is in the care of a class teacher with whom they will learn for much of the school day. Some teaching during the week will take place with other members of staff, for example when the class teacher is released to undertake planning preparation and assessments (PPA). We aim to ensure continuity in learning through shared planning and by providing cover using staff who the children know. Within each class, children are grouped in order to best meet their learning styles and needs.
Fully trained and experienced Teaching Assistants support the classes working very closely with the class teacher to support the individual learning needs of the children. We are fortunate in our staff who offer a range of expertise and enthusiasms. Children benefit from these skills as they move through the school. We cannot guarantee which teachers will teach certain year groups or when. It is normal for there to be some changes in staff placement each year to ensure that they remain professionally challenged and inspired to provide the highest quality teaching.
Parents are invited on a termly basis to come to their child’s class assembly on a Friday after which they can spend time in the classroom with their child, who will proudly show the progress they are making seen in their work
Click on the links on the right to visit each class page