All interventions, support and strategies for groups of children are recorded and monitored on the class ‘Provision Map.’ Teachers can share atomised copies of PM at parents’ consultations so that you aware of what support your child is receiving. Provision maps have SMART targets with are reviewed termly. Some children may have an intervention for a short period of time as a ‘booster’ other may have interventions for longer but the targets will change at least termly and should be measureable to ensure they are having an impact. If there is no impact, the teacher needs to work with the SENCO to find other ways to support the child.
Where children have been identified as having ‘SEN’ and needing individual support, they may have a ‘Personalised Plan.’ The progress of all children with a Personalised Plan will be reviewed 3x per year and will include parents, adults working with the child and the SENDCO. Outside agency staff working with the child can also be invited.
The progress of children with an EHCP will be reviewed 3x a year, one of these will be in the form of an Annual Review meeting. This meeting includes parents, adults working with the child and a representative from the Local Authority (if requested).
Pupil Passports are made with children whi have an EHCP at the end of the year to help their new teacher to get to know all about them. They are usually completed with the child and the SENCo or an adult who works closely with the child. Pupil Passports are also used at ‘Annual Reviews’ as the child’s voice.
- What types of SEN can Shepherdswell cater for?
- What do I do if I think my child has SEN?
- What interventions, equipment & facilities can Shepherdswell provide?
- The Local Authority Offer, School SEN Policy and SEN data
- Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs) and Higher Needs Funding
- Outside Agencies
- Provision Maps, Personalised Plans & Pupil Passports
- How parents are consulted and parent meetings
- Assessments
- Dyslexia
- Autism
- Language Disorder
- Looked after or adopted children
- Supporting children with Medical Conditions
- Young Carers
- Transitions to other schools