Boxall Profile Targets – work to develop social and emotional areas as identified using the ‘Boxall Profile’ e.g. giving purposeful attention, being accommodating to others.
Chat and Draw – an informal program using ‘The feelings art book’ to help children develop self-esteem, empathy and understanding of emotions.
Clever Hands – an NHS recommended program for fine motor skills i.e. cutting and threading etc
Colour Monster – a children’s storybook about a monster who struggles to understand his emotions. It is a useful visual resource for whole class teaching in key stage 1 and can also be used as an intervention with a small group or individual to further explore emotions and feelings.
Daily or Extra Reading – children will be heard to read every day at school to ensure they are getting regular practice. Reading will focus on all aspects including fluency of reading and understanding of text.
Dyslexia Support – Specific 1:1 or group support for children, focussing on strategies to support with spelling, reading and writing.
Fizzy – an NHS recommended program for developing gross motor skills i.e. balance and co-ordination. The expectation for an occupational therapy referral is that a child will have already completed 50 sessions of Fizzy.
Language for Thinking – a programme to develop comprehension and inference skills that is not dependent on reading ability.
Language for Learning – individualised targets for your child, as a result of a language for learning observation. Targets focus on developing skills in one or more of the 7 areas of language needed to access learning.
Language link – a programme for developing language concepts e.g. question words, basic concepts, prepositions.
Lego Therapy – a structured program to develop children’s language and social skills. At times it is also used to develop self-esteem. There is usually one focus child and two other children who work as good role-models. The three children work together taking on an assigned role (builder, supplier or engineer) to build a model as a team.
Letter and Sounds – our whole class phonics program that is also used with groups as an extra support to help children who need more practise with recognising letter sounds, blending and segmenting, usually key stage 1.
Plugging the Gaps in Numeracy – a small group or individual maths programme tailored specifically to fill in gaps in mathematical understanding.
Plus 1 – a systematic 1:1 maths intervention designed for key stage 1 (and early key stage 2) which identifies and plugs the gaps in basis mathematical knowledge and understanding.
The Power of 2 – a systematic 1:1 maths intervention that follows on from ‘Plus 1’ designed for key stage 2 to identify and plugs the gaps in basis mathematical knowledge and understanding.
Reading Challenge – a timed challenge for children to read the same book each time, recording how many words they can read in a minute to improve confidence and word recognition.
SALT work – 1:1 teaching of structured activities or targets as recommended by Speech and Language Therapy team.
Sensory Circuits – a sensory motor-skills programme for children to prepare them for the day ahead. Aimed at improving concentration and readiness for learning. It is often recommended by occupational therapist to help children to concentrate in school or to help regulate their sensory needs. It consists of a range of ‘alerting’, ‘organising’ and ‘calming’ activities that take place in the hall before school. For some children, the activities can also be used at other times of the day to help with sensory integration.
Short term memory skills – a series of activities and games to develop memory to be able to hold increasing amounts of information in mind.
Soundswrite – a highly structured, systematic phonics programme, mainly used in Key Stage 2 for children who still need regular phonics practice.
Speech link – a programme for developing production of particular speech sounds.
Speed Up – a multi-sensory, kinaesthetic handwriting program that requires a long (45min) weekly session followed up with practise activities at home.
STAR word – a multi-sensory structured programme for pre-teaching topic related vocabulary, so that when children encounter that word during lessons, they already have some knowledge of it and are therefore more able to access the teaching.
Toe by Toe – a systematic, very small steps, programme for developing effective blending to read words more fluently.
Touch Typing – a programme to develop typing skills, usually following a recommendation from Occupational Therapy or when it is felt children would benefit from using alternative means of recording.
Transporters – a series of games and quizzes based on short episodes of a programme using vehicles to support understanding of reading emotions, usually used to support children on the autistic spectrum.
Other interventions such as counselling can be accessed by a referral to an outside agency (see outside agency tab).
Resources – visual timetables, task management boards, social stories, Language through Colour, manipulative, coloured exercise books, reading rulers, coloured over lays etc.
Equipment – alternative ways of recording (such as Ipads, computers, voice recorders), seating aids (i.e. wiggle cushions), writing aids (desk slopes, pencil grips), concentration aids (fiddle toys).
- What types of SEN can Shepherdswell cater for?
- What do I do if I think my child has SEN?
- What interventions, equipment & facilities can Shepherdswell provide?
- The Local Authority Offer, School SEN Policy and SEN data
- Education Health Care Plans (EHCPs) and Higher Needs Funding
- Outside Agencies
- Provision Maps, Personalised Plans & Pupil Passports
- How parents are consulted and parent meetings
- Assessments
- Dyslexia
- Autism
- Language Disorder
- Looked after or adopted children
- Supporting children with Medical Conditions
- Young Carers
- Transitions to other schools